My male friends are just as bad, if not worse, than the females we talk about. My early birthday present to myself is some self respect and moving on.

Long story short, I had to entirely ghost the group I hung out with when I was 19 and 20. We all got spun on meth and stayed up for about a week, and let's just say you gain certain insights and superpowers while on meth, but later those very superpowers and insights will turn against you. You might think you're best friends with someone, but a week on meth together can prove otherwise.

Highlights included: Taking a guy to ER because he thought he had a heart attack, walking over long bridge spanning a 20 feet deep river and feeling the invisible hand of death trying to push me over the side, and thinking my dog had been replaced by a robot because of course the government would do that to spy on me, it all made sense!

Sometimes you go through experiences with people and you just never want to see them again afterward. It was one of those things. None of those people cared about me at all. Why would they? I was just another face at the party. And these were the people I spent most of my time with.

The drug had a way of taking off their masks and revealing their true face. I used to think that was a hallucination, but no, none of these people proved to be friends. They looked out for number 1 and they were willing to stab number 2 to do so.

They all had to be ghosted. It was a lifestyle choice I had to make.
Party to my literal death, or move on. I moved on.

Only guy I talk to now is heart attack guy (it was a false alarm), and that's because we play in the same fantasy football league, which I may not even bother with this year. Party girl killed herself 2 years ago, and even though we hadn't talked in over a decade, that still was a bummer. Chad abused his son.

And incel guy went full hard drugs, now he's into dealing, and he's not someone I can afford to have around. Too much liability. Used to be a good dude, but I can't think about that. Now I have to think, how do I know if I'm giving him a ride that he might not have some meth or something hidden? How do I know if the cops flash their lights, he won't toss it under the seat?

Too much liability. No benefit. Gone. Ghosted.

/r/MGTOW Thread