My milkshake brings all the libs to the yard

Damn man I think you're making some decent points, and not necessarily being heard or understood. I know this will most likely get downvoted into oblivion, but I think this sub could use some reading up on logical fallacies and group psychology. Violence doesn't actually win people over... almost ever longitudinally. One makes many more enemies than friends with violent attacks, and many social psych studies have shown this. Social psych studies have also shown a clear path to what violent radicalization does to people and that group (based off policy placed on numerous scales antifa supports do qualify as radical). Accepting violence as repercussions to what you perceive as negative has wide ranging consequences. Including a normalization of violence towards out group, which is something this sub hates. Also, why are we jumping to conclusions as to what this person believes? There's just so many things. I just wish this could be civil and a dialogue rather than misquotes and assumptions