
Why are you strawmanning me? You literally said “cops turn peaceful protests into riots” I was disputing that point, I never justified KR shooting Into the crowd solely based on that fact , not like he did anyways, and now you’re somehow making it seem like I was justifying it. I only initially called it a riot, because you clearly called a violent group of people peaceful protestors which they were not.

If you have seen videos, I’m assuming you’ve seen the same videos where it’s pretty clear Kyle irttenhouse is being chased by Joseph? Before he finally turns around and shoots him? Let’s say he “did instigate the fight”, in what world is Kyle not justified after being chased down by a man and also his friend who fired a gun into the air shouting “kill him”?

I dunno know, if I was running away from a man chasing me, with his friend firing shots in the air I’d fairly be sure that he’s trying to kill me.

Also it’s not like he just randomly opened fire, literally every time he shot someone was as he was running away and they caught up and were two feet away.