My Monster In Law says I need couseling after I told a friend on Facebook that my husband is still looking for a job?

This is the same woman who on my engagement day told my Husband she didn't want him to propose because they didn't have a sit down with me to "go over the rules" (he was 24 I was 20)

Had a fit when we moved in together after the engagement, sold his car he just paid off with a accident settlement, was able too because my HB and FIL share the same name. *rolls eyes

She refused to talk to my husband until he broke up with me, but constantly texted him/called him/invited only him over to holidays/emailed &texted me to start drama.

On our wedding day (we eloped to Ocho Rios Jamaica) she texted him before the ceremony and told him she was so disappointed in him (blah blah Christian garbage) told him "whatever children resulted in our marriage she disowned" which was totally fine by me. But HB got drunk before wedding, after wedding, no wedding night.

3 years after, we seek out infertility treatment to start a family. It works, but I lose my daughter. MIL never tells us she's sorry, she tells all her friends. MIL friends contact me via Facebook appalled about shit she said about "being happy I lost the baby, and how her son dodged a bullet". So I backlash and send her a novel back about everything she's ever done. (The email was huge) she never responded to me but told my HB I needed Christian couseling (jew hate speech) ...which I got grief couseling after my MC.

Recently my husband has been unemployed and mothers day is coming up, I told him if he goes over there that day I'm gone. So she has been starting little melodramas.

To explain this pic. Well, my HB sister is a crazy 34 yr old (Lyft driver/unemployed) alcoholic Scottsdale slut who bitched until I added her back to Facebook, since I blocked the rest of the family. Well she had been taking screen shots of my post, innocent post and blowing them up into big things to "taddle" to MIL about about me.

I love how my MIL is a leader at mega church here, but she doesn't know the scripture about busybodys or a man leaving his family to cleave to his wife.

/r/JUSTNOMIL Thread Link -