places kids shouldnt be allowed

Would it be weird if I said I think it's stupid to bring kids to touristy places? More for practicality reasons though. I don't know if that counts.

I think if you're planning to go on vacation somewhere far away with a child (specifically younger ones), especially by airplane/train, just don't. Do not. Not even worth it. Why?

  • You likely won't truly enjoy the trip itself and will not have any time to yourself or significant other because you will have to deal with the baby the entire time. At least person will always have to be watching. And if the child gets sick? What kind of private getaway is that... the last major trip I went on, the kids had to be brung along fucking everywhere when I just needed time to be alone.

  • If you have a babysitting service where you're going (I mean legit ones, some resorts have them) you will constantly be paranoid about something happening to them in a foreign place. And if you have to hire someone to take care of your child, maybe you shouldn't have brought them in the first place?

  • The baby doesn't care about your trip either way because it's a fucking baby. It won't remember that time it was 1 and you took it to The Bahamas. It's dumb to say it's "for the kid," I've never particularly understood it.

  • You also annoy the shit out of everyone on the plane/train if your child decides to act up. Some kids are better, but I think most of the people in this sub can agree we've all witnessed that "one child." And then all the spots you go to on vacations like restaurants or stores, etc... I don't need a screeching child at the beach or adult-centered hangouts or movies.

My solution: just save your money and wait until they are older, so they are more mature and you can all actually enjoy the trip, or get someone to GASP!! watch over your child.

/r/childfree Thread