My Unpopular Opinion

Who are you, or who is anyone to determine whose case is most valid when it comes to having kids- what every species on Earth is biologically driven to do? Do we also allow governments control over who has sex? STIs are a major health hazard in many areas of the world so maybe we only grant people the ability to have sex who can "plead their case"? That's absurd. Giving that much power to anyone threatens basic human rights. While we're at it, why not throw people in jail who may have criminal tendencies until they can prove that they're worthy citizens? Or put restrictions on people being allowed to own vehicles until they've pleaded their case and proven that they really need one? While having less children is perhaps better for the world, many of the overpopulation issues that exist in the world today were either issues that arose many years ago, or exist due to inaccessibility to birth control which is a huge problem on a worldwide scale. If you look at any population map, the rate of population growth has been declining for many years now. Also on what grounds have you determined what is a reasonable number of people to live on Earth? The issues we experience on earth today aren't a direct result of having too many's that we have such a high standard of living and ridiculously luxurious lifestyles in first world countries that are a huge strain on the environment. I'm also a bit thrown off by your population figures at the bottom. While I don't think your conclusion that people should have less children is incorrect, your reasonings and solutions to this issue are quite questionable when it comes to practicality. But hey, opinions are like assholes- everyone's got one.

/r/INTP Thread