Why Has My Wife Injected Herself Into A Relative Stranger's Death?

So why has my wife and about a dozen other people (mostly 40-something women) gone down to the ICU waiting room and intruded on the grief of the blood-kin and gotten under foot while the family is trying to take care of business?

Ever seen Russel Peters skit about how women treat blind people?

I don't know why but this really reminds me of it. Like, I can maybe understand going to visit him in the ICU, but if he's that unresponsive that he's being taken off life support, I mean, obviously the kids family will want whatever remaining time they have with him.

It's like, they feel bad, terrible, whatever, and they need to personally alleviate that feeling in themselves. It really has very little to do with the victim, because as we're all familiar with, women do a great job of turning every situation into a situation where they're the victim. In your wifes situation I would say she is the victim because she has suffered the trauma of knowing someone who passed far too early. It's reminding her of her own time left on earth, and as she's much older this might be subconsciously screwing with her. I would imagine the hen group has a decent part to play in it. Mob mentality etc. One of them probably spoke about how horrible it is, and what they could do to support the kid, and then one of the others had to one up them. And hey before you know it they're stealing the last precious moments of that kids life away from his family.

It blows my mind how people are capable of this, and how women seem to be completely oblivious to it.

I can't see anything positive coming from even getting close to that shit storm. I can't see there being anything you could say that would not make you a heartless bastard in her eyes, and then bam, you'd be fodder for their hen-party gossip, they would all talk down on you, and your wife would walk away from the situation thinking less of you. All because they're being bat shit crazy heartless cunts. Just... wow.

Anyways, thanks for your contributions to the community. I recognize your name off hand from reading your comments etc.

/r/asktrp Thread