Navy secretary on transgender troops: 'Any patriot' should be allowed to serve

I'm pretty surprised he'd say that.

As I understand the issue of having Transgender troops; it is not an issue of them being transgender, rather a safety issue with medication.

I'll explain:

One of the first questions they ask you...the pre-qualification a recruiter gives you when you walk into a military recruiters office are:

  1. Have you ever sought psychiatric care and been prescribed medication, and/or been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or ADD.

The implication being that if you have, you're out.

  1. Have you ever had an surgery at all, and if so, what?

The implication being that many surgeries will disqual you.

  1. Do you take any medication daily that you need for your physical or mental health?

The idea being that if you do, you're probably disqualified.

For example: You can't serve in the military if you have an allergy that requires an epi-pen; as the military is afraid you can be put in a situation (combat theater) where you can't have access to it, and then be exposed to the allergen.

You can't serve in the military if you take any mental health medication, or heart medication, or almost any daily medication for the same's hard to access in combat.

Now, as a bodybuilder, I know quite a few people on PED's like hormones...and I can tell you that is a massive physical and mental issue if people are suddenly taken off of HRT.

So...I just assumed that was the obvious issue. That being a transgendered person that has to take medication to maintain that new gender would have issues if put in a situation where they suddenly could not access it.

Is that not the obvious issue? Because there are also 5000 other things like allergies and shoulder surgery that disqualify you too, and those people also might be patriots.

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