NDP calling for probe of grocery store profits as food prices continue to rise | CBC News

My father is a mechanic (30+ years) who never had any benefits or vacation days (except non-federal holidays lol) in any job he's had. He's asked but denied every. single. time. It's disgusting.

Has a red seal and is considered 'valuable' but still gets shit on. Since he's worked like a slave his whole life- he is tragically a remnant of who he once was.

Always absolutely exhausted and has no hobbies outside his work because he's got to be on top of the bills always and there never seems to be enough time for himself, honestly. He's over 60 and still sometimes doesn't get Saturdays off. Most times it's only ONE DAY OFF. Meanwhile our landlord who has like 14 rental properties (pos) acts like he owns us and has all the time in the world.

Since I've known my dad I've barely got to know him as much because poor/vulnerable people get shafted so hard and forced to work for pennies to survive which happens to strain the home life (who knew?/s) and it's beyond frustrating especially when the majority of Canadians are against the working class and seem to just adore the idea of being better than them.

Too many folks out there would suggest my dad 'didn't try hard enough'; Which comes from such gross privilege and/or ignorance. I don't always fault people for it of course but I'm sick to death of people acting like the 'bottom barrel' working class folks have all the time/money in the world and can easily just bake some bread.

/r/ontario Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca