We need to tax alcohol wipes as a public cost on weakening immunity.

I'm pretty sure that the face masks dont actually work like people think, you need to change them every 2 hours because of the build of bacteria beneath.

Facemasks that have been worn all day will get disposed of with such a build of bacteria, you could compare it to a spit bucket.

Spit bucket were banned due to the plague as this is how masses of bacteria got onto rats that would run through water systems and sewers carry diseases all over.

The bacteria then tried adapting to the animals that have come into contact with them elvoliving the bacteria to a different stronger strain.

This is why apparently the wuhan virus has started in the animal markets because not only are the totally dirty conditions but it's a place for bacteria to evolve when coming into contact with numerous different species and then transferring back on to humans as a stronger strain.

Alcohol wipes dissolve bacteria and should be free.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread