Netflix Becomes the First Major Hollywood Studio to Pledge to Fight Georgia’s Abortion Bill

This thread is just full of people saying "I don't like this thing, so it's bad!" instead of just taking the self-aware, emotionally mature route and saying "I don't like this thing" and leaving it at that.

Repeating that over and over won't make it any clearer. Why is just saying "I don't like this thing" the more emotionally mature, self aware route? What makes it more complex than stating that you approve of a corporation making a stand against something you don't like?

They can do whatever they want. I just find it funny that people love it when they do something they like, but suddenly bleat about how fucked up it is that they have power when they do something they don't like.

I'm commenting on reddit's dumb fuck populism.

Because nothing says "emotionally mature", "self aware" and "complex" like sweeping statements and condescension.

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