Neurodivergence and Abuse: Being autistic doesn't mean people aren't also abusive

Litterally just here trying to find something that says: My 6 ft autistic brother threatening to kill me and everyone else in their sleep is wrong. And it's not weird I want a lock on my bedroom door.

Also if someone iasks him to do a chore in the morning before say 12,, reminds you of it a few Hours later,. And then 1 hour after that (it is now way past 12) and then 15 minutes after that Would it be okay for an autistic person to then yell and scream and threaten to kill you, even if they had carried on agreeing to do that chore? Also that's a chore he has and can do. And also they have undiagnosed "high functioning" autism.

Ok - I should have made my own question here but I'd have no idea how to title that.

Do people with autism find it hard to keep their thoughts jn their head? Like he'd call people a thousand rude things under his breath and then act like he had no idea and it's not his fault. Is it?

/r/AutisticAdults Thread