The new ranked system is incredibly terrible...

Oh yes, and as result I get absolutely abysmal games where half of my team cannot group up as if it is a deathmatch and we lose spectacularly. In other cases we roll the enemy team instead. Only in some miniscule number of matches the games were close.

The matchmaking system's goal is not to measure your performance but to match players into teams so they can play the game. I don't care about precious metals or any four-digit numbers for that matter. Not to mention how illogical the original system was: in real life, platinum was cheaper than gold for like 15 years already.

All I want is good games, even if you call me Bronze 0.

In the last few weeks of the classic Overwatch the quality of my games was great. I nearly always felt like my team made an effort to win and not just ran around like a bunch of headless chicken. The games were close, my teammates weren't ready to give up and start blaming each other in the text chat.

Now everything is broken: people have 0 situational awareness, and the moment something goes wrong they attempt to put a blame on others.

Don't worry about performance or someone getting carried, worry about the quality of your games.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent