In New Zealand we have a 40 year old female prime minister. Do you think America will ever have a female leader?

I just can't see America taking a female President seriously.

Look in the workplace. We have Male and Female bosses. Who are we more likely to take seriously? The Male because we are used to seeing men as having power and women as being "submissive" or "below". Don't kid yourself . Even if you don't openly display it, most of us treat women who are bosses not as seriously as we do men who are.

The same idea would apply to the President. We would never fully trust a woman as President because that's just something we were never taught. We were always taught that men should always be the ones in power and for the past 240 years, that's been the case.

Would the country flounder if a woman was President? I don't think so, but I don't think people would take her seriously

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread