'New Zealand Day' is a white supremacist dream

Specifically my sarcastic comment wasn't directed at Waitangi Yeah it was framed as a dig against Maori people

I don't feel like a victim at all. just how no matter what happens its my fault. Just because i'm blamed for it doesn't mean i feel like a victim.

Do you even read what you write? You're not blamed for it. You think you are. This is the definition of having a victim complex.

we hold difference in opinion on a subject so i'm the one who obviously is uneducated because if i was of course i would agree with you.

Its simple to understand. You are uneducated on THIS SUBJECT because you are wrong. It not opinion at all. If I said dinosaurs never existed I would be uneducated because there is so much evidence to the contrary. Being dumb is not an opinion. I mean why are you going around apologizing for being born white middle class? Maori never asked you to do that.

As for protesting about what? The TPPA? Ok protest away about how Maori didnt get their say... just like i didnt... But Heaven forbid Maori protest about how no one got a say.

They did do that though. They went there to protest because they didn't agree with the decision (even though I think it actually benefits a lot of Maori interests) they are also NZers who may be effected by it. Just like many other people protested in Auckland last Thursday. I still dont see your point in this. Like If we didn't get a say then we shouldn't protest that we disagree and we should be silent?

As for protesting about the way Maori have been treated over the years? for what purpose? protesting something that already happened +150 years ago isn't going to stop the fact its happened. Protesting things have have happened is pointless

Yeah thats why they dont. This is exactly what I meant about being uneducated. You think parties go up there to protest the signing? maybe some crazies do. Majority of Iwi went their to protest CURRENT government decisions they dont agree with. ie Fiscal envelope, Foreshore and Seabed Act, TPPA.

What is needed at this point is open and honest dialogue between all parties on how we resolve the concerns that everyone has

They do have that its called the Waitangi Tribunal. When Maori follow the NZ way of doing things they file a grievance with the tribunal. But on the Marae that protesting is their way of doing things.

At the moment its quite one sided, One side states their position and if the other side doesn't 100% agree or questions a detail they're immediately labelled a racist and shamed into submission

Just plain wrong. If it was one sided then we wouldn't even be signing the TPPA or anything Maori disagree with. The Government would have been "Shamed into submission"

Your whole argument is terrible.

/r/newzealand Thread Parent Link - newstalkzb.co.nz