The NHS is great, but why do Brits think they are the only country with social healthcare?

it to "social" anything- unless you use the same terminology for the schools, police, street lighting etc in which ever country youre in- its paid for y taxes. It is unusual for being entirely free- in most oucntries in Europe, and in Aus and NZ, people have to pay some amount for healthacre- whether itsc Euros for a dr's visit in franc or ireland, or having to pay a similar amount in Germany for health insurance.In the UK, everything is free; visits, treatment, mediaction.The only exception is England, where you have to pay a small fee for the paperwork to pick up mediaction, but that's capped for certain meds, and drs will work with you to reduce it. I think we're one of only a handful of countries to have full healthcare which is free. Most have universal healthacre- which ocvers everyone, and won't bankrupt you like the US syctem, but still costs money here and therec

/r/AskUK Thread