No, Bill Maher, Stan Lee Inspired Us To Do More Than "Watch Movies"

Look, I completely disagree with everything he's said and I've never even seen him on screen(except for his Iron Man cameo apparently) but making a petition or whatever to get his show off the air isn't going to prove his points about comicbook fans wrong. Rather people should tweet at him and write in their stories to his show of how of how comics have impacted their lives.

It's clear that he's just another old person(or person in general) who hasn't even read comics and doesn't understand it because all he knows is "it's characters dressed in full body covering spandex and silly outfits" and he obviously doesn't know that the majority of comics today aren't even kid friendly because he hasn't actually read any.

The only way you could hope to change the mind of an uninformed person saying comics are for kids is to try and prove them wrong with your own experiences rather than just being mean and attacking that person just to lower their (uninformed)opinions.

A lot of the Marvel & DC fans seems to be attacking this guy and if you truly are a comicbook fan you should have learned that you don't make things better by attacking people.

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