No country on Earth is taking the 2 degree climate target seriously: we are betting our collective future on being able to bury millions of tons of carbon. It’s a huge and existentially risky bet — and maybe one out of a million people even know it’s being made.

My google search begs to differ

Read this article from 2014 that talks about how we've been breaking emissions record for <a href="">30 years in a row</a>

<a href=" ">here's one from last month</a>

<a href=" ">here's one from 2015</a>

<a href="">here's an article for an increase from 2013 to 2014</a>

"Here are the emission counts for 2013:

India's emissions jumped by 5.1 percent, the biggest expansion of any country, thanks to that nation's rapid economic growth. But India's total emissions make up just 6.5 percent of the global total.

China's emissions increased by 4.2 percent, a somewhat smaller increase compared to previous years. China now accounts for 28 percent of global emissions, more than the United States and Europe combined.

The United States' emissions rose by 2.9 percent, due to a rebound in coal consumption. U.S. emissions had declined by 3.7 percent in 2012. The country's contribution last year made up 14 percent of global emissions."

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