No, I don’t think being in a relationship should be «fucking hard»

"Relationships are work," is usually the refrain of miserable people who want to believe they're noble for failing to leave their shitty relationships. In good relationships, even the hardest of work is made easier by your relationship[s]. Good relationships are safe harbors, not construction projects. Yes, sometimes the boat or dock or whatever will need some fixing up, but over all the relationship is where you go to survive external storms.

The best relationships I've ever seen and which I've ever experienced were extremely easy except in extraordinary circumstances. The people involved seem baffled when you ask them what kind of work they put in -- "Work? It's not work." It wouldn't even occur to people in actual excellent relationships that communication, being caring, being thoughtful, being there during disasters, dealing with emotional issues... could be called "work."

/r/polyamory Thread