No excuse to not be vaccinated Denver - lots of availability for 3 days out at most major grocery stores as of 8am Friday

What are your excuses?

Vaccine will mutate? Yes that's entirely possible, but even so, the resulting protein from the vaccine targets a specific area of the virus so the mutation would have to be in that area. This is why the vaccine has shown to be effective against the so-far discovered "new" strains.

Covid has been overblown? That conclusion is contingent on the restrictions and closings society placed. We don't know how bad it could and would have gotten. In the US alone we've had 31+ million cases and over 550K deaths, I bet during the beginning of this you were saying "the flu kills more people" too, weren't you?

The vaccine is "experimental" ? Not really, they had test runs before releasing it to general public, mechanisms of mrna has been known for 50+ years. Compared to a traditional vaccine, yes then it was "rushed." But when the entire healthcare research is devoted to a specific virus, then you can't really compare it apples to apples.

With all that said, you still don't have to get it. But with all the anti-vax rhetoric going on today, everyone getting it if they can only helps with not only slowing down transmission but also removing this layer of internet-derived cynicism plaguing the world.

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