[No Spoilers] SHOTS FIRED! Arrow's Stephen Amell To Olicity Fans: "You Don't Always Get What You Want"


Sure," Amell replied and then explained why. "Because it's a TV show. And here's the thing, I love fandom and I love passionate fans and I think Arrow has awesome, passionate fans, but here's the bottom line: You don't always get what you want. Sitting here, feeling unhappy about the state of their relationship... They're still functioning as a team; they're still serving a greater good. She could be dead. I mean, couldn't she? She could be dead. Oliver could be dead. The show could be off the air. There's a bunch of things... Arrow is so many things. And if you let it become just about one thing, you miss the bigger picture. Does that make sense? So, I would say that Oliver and Felicity's relationship as it pertains to saving the city has always been more important than their relationship as it pertains to are-they-aren't-they; are they canoodling are they not. So for me, them functioning as a team right now and being honest with one another is super important and whatever happens with romance is whatever happens."

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