'No surprise' we're seeing coronavirus surge in Republican areas, ER doctor explains

Maybe it’s simply Republicans generally refuse to wear masks, social distance themselves, try and force their misguided anti-vaccine culture, and selfish behavior, oh can’t forget the many religious morons too, have bad behavior, think profit over safety and good health practices for others. It’s part of their superiority complex and “fuck you, fuck off, I already got/have mine” reasoning. Xenophobic, racist, fascist, hate fueled privilege, Nationalism, we are better and deserve special rules over all others.

But mah guns, and buttery males, look Hunter Biden took some money. Trump is a golden god and the patron saint of being horrible and unjust to everyone not on our side, just like Jesus and the our GOP Bible teaches.

/not even a hint of sarcasms there either. It’s the actual truth.

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