Non-American Redditors: what is one thing you do not understand about America? American Redditors, can you help clear up the misunderstandings?

You think you live in a meritocracy? Seriously? Do you have any concept of how large the inequality gap is?

Let me guess, poor people are poor because they don't "apply themselves"? And you're doing alright because you applied yourself? There are no other factors at play, am I right?

Your "belief in meritocracy" is antiquated if you think hard work is a significant factor in ones success and that not being "successful" means one ought to be punished for it by not making enough money to survive and have their hierarchy of needs fulfilled.

That just sounds entitled, selfish, and out of touch with reality.

I do give my time and money to the poor

You and others have the power to lift them out of poverty and then some, yet you opt not to so you can have a little more material wealth. Working at a soup kitchen once a week doesn't count. Camel, meet eye of the needle.

but I sure as hell think that I shouldn't be forced to

Don't you pay a ton of taxes for things you don't use?

I agree with meritocracy in theory but assuming you don't live in a developing country, there is enough money and resources around to lift everyone out of poverty and provide everyone with adequate health care and education without upsetting the idealistic social order you believe in where hardworking people are always rewarded for their hard work.

I'm not talking about making everyone rich, I'm talking about not punishing people for being born into the wrong socio-economic conditions and/or for making a few bad life decisions. Also if we're taking about merits, a lot of poor people work a lot harder than you do (you try raising a family on minimum wage).

The American dream (I'm assuming your American) is a festering pile of horseshit and if you know it.

it's my decision to be a good person, and the government is not a moral authority.

How does taking care of people's basic needs a contentious moral argument? Do you support public schools and prisons? Do you even know how all of your tax money is even spent?

I can't see any argument for not lifting the poor out of poverty that isn't mired in ignorance, selfishness, and irrationality.

WWJD? Sure as hell not what you're doing. I'm not a Christian and I think our chances of getting into heaven are about even.

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