Non-indictment of Hillary Clinton will reveal CIA trumping the FBI, a fact that will reveal Continuity of Government in the minds of the greater public. Once COG is well known, it will F the establishment.

If your argument is that laws are just words people make which are little mouth noises to transmit ideas then yes they won't stop bullets from flying.

Which means a militia could go in and blow away everyone in congress and take the white house if they did it fast enough to keep the drones and space weaponry from blasting them dead.

But no one is going to do that, and ESPECIALLY not the spineless people working on your behalf politicially. They actually don't care enough to self-sacrifice, nor are many of them actual real christians, which means they reject golden rule and believe ends-justify means. Hegelianism is 'ends justifying means.' More on that below.

They just their christianity that as a label to pander to christians, when in fact many are aristocrats with a secret set of esoteric beliefs that would absolutely ruin your week if you found out about it for the first time, and actually believed this knowledge instead of immediately rejecting it, as youv'e been so programmed by television to do. I'm saying many of them are gnostics and believe in alchemy--that politics are about trying to push for change by disturbing order with chaos ('ordo ab chao' is the motto of masons) that's what it's about. Hegelian dialectic / problem-reaction-solution thinking and the motivaiton for employing false flags. Which is what BLM is about and political correctness and mass shootings.

So to get to your question. A: Yes COG is the only think keeping them from prison. It's at least the primary thing. The secondary thing is a president that doesn't want his kids shot to death "by random urban thugs at a club" or get in a car accident by onstar inhibiting brakes. The third thing is Congress and SCOTUS aren't allowed to talk about COG. The fourth thing is cowardice of the government on this issue--so they pretend it doesn't exist. The fifth thing is the people of the us don't know about it because media won't talk about it either--it's a blackout issue.

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