Not Erika retweeting this

Erika is spiraling because she knows this doesn’t look good for her. They are calling out clear inconsistencies in her stories. When Garcelle asked her if there was another woman involved, Erika denied it. Then later she says she suspected he was cheating. Then she posts old texts from 2011 about a woman that was cheating with Tom to imply that’s why she divorced him? We aren’t dumb, honey. Supposedly Tom got in a car accident, it was just any accident, he drove off a cliff, but actually, he drove near a cliff and rolled out of the car down the cliff and was unconscious for 12 hours? But she didn’t check on him because she assumed he was with a mistress? She tells Garcelle that he only misplaced money because of his head injury, but these lawsuits have been coming up for yearssss. Then she tells people she hasn’t spoken to Tom since she left him, but then later tells Garcelle he contacts her frequently. Of course we aren’t going to believe you, EJ. You are dripping with lies.

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