Not this much equal rights! Xpost

Then you have no right to make the repeated claim that "'Feminists' are against the drafting of [men]" as you have numerous times on this thread. Either feminism is some wash of ideologies with conflicting positions, or its a singular movement. You can't have it both ways.

That's why I used NOW as the source. It's the closest thing to a 'feminist' authority. I reject your opinion that it can't be both. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.

My point was that your claim that feminists "fought against the draft" is not true and is debunked by the writings of people from your own camp.

The logic in this comment is just.. I don't know how to discuss this anymore. Since some American men (in that very 'pussypassed denied' thread) believe there should be a draft, does that mean all men believe there should be a draft? Or, if someone were to say "[the majority of] American men are against the draft" - would you say,* no they're not! Look at this group of men who are all for it!* You are categorically dismissing the former in favor of the latter. In discussing social phenomena or policy, you don't have to get 100% of the population to agree on something to make it so. This gets everyone no where.

Besides, given feminism's traditional bent toward the left and its ties to Marxism, I wouldn't be surprised if the source for feminist opposition toward the draft had its origins in the idea that conscription was unpaid labor and enslavement of the population to achieve the ends of the state or the wealthy elite, and not because men died in war.

It's probably both. One idea probably justified the other. If society says, "men dying for their country is noble." And, they criticize this sentiment using Marxist theory that does not mean they don't care about the death of their brothers.

they will also lie about how their movement allegedly supports men

What part(s) of that article is a lie? You're going to have to be more specific.

They routinely shame men

He has some legitimate points there. Men shouldn't have to hear that shit from anyone. It's pretty upsetting.

the presumption that society favors men at the expense of all women.

Has this not historically been the case?

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