Not resisting an upcoming episode

I get what you're saying. I do that with my depressive episodes now. I don't struggle against them. I accept them. That doesn't mean I wallow in them or let them take over my life though. I still practice skills to get through them as best as I can. I just found that tearing myself apart every time I felt down was counterproductive. I try not to think about how bad I feel in the moment, or how bad the episode could get, but remind myself that it will eventually pass and I will be better.

I haven't had a psychotic episode in awhile thanks to medication, but I feel like the same could be applied to that. Don't beat myself up, accept it for what it is, continue to use skills, take care of myself, remember it will pass, but don't wallow in it or let it take over my life, which might mean a med change or hospital visit. I don't consider that necessarily "resisting", but healing.

/r/schizophrenia Thread