Now that people are starting to have to come back to work, let’s start a list of places you know are hiring.

I worked at a call center before. Won't work at another one unless I know people on the floor who aren't on the phones make less money than people actually doing work. It will never be that way so I'll never work at one again. Choice between begging under a bridge and $16/hr at a callcentration camp = under the bridge.

I think the boomers who own everything don't understand what is gonna happen, and if they understand how to quell the rage they are unwilling to do so. If they thought these wages and this treatment were OK they would be on the floor with their workers making the same wage, since that's such an acceptable life.

Best case senario we continue through these slow growing pains as their business and bodies die (likely in descending order of complete innocence, but unless those innocent business owners can force the hands of others before it is too late, and they can't, them's the breaks)

/r/Rochester Thread Parent