Now that Sanders is out of the election has all discussion of policy stopped?

No. Hillary likes to talk policy. In fact she really loves to bring up Trump's policy proposals, generally with the implication she would never do anything like that. Like Trump's policy of punishing women for abortion. Or Trump's policy of supporting nuclear proliferation. Or Trump's policy of maybe recognizing Crimea as Russian territory. Or Trump's policy of maybe not defending NATO allies if they get attacked by Russia. Or Trump's policy of inviting Cyber-attacks against our country.

Needless to say Trump also talks policy, since he originated those ideas for Hillary to ridicule. He also has policy ideas like building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, invading Syria and more.

One of the things I've noticed is that those often don't feel like policy discussions. Hillary quoting Trump feels like an attack since Trump's ideas are quite frankly, awful. Even Trump bringing up his policy ideas isn't viewed as policy because his surrogates will try and pretend he didn't say it, and the other general insanity around him.

The other problem is Trump's policy keeps changing, and his surrogates just try to muddy the waters more.

So there is a good bit of policy discussion going on. In fact a lot of "stupid shit Trump said" is actually about a proposed policy of Trump's.

/r/PoliticalDiscussion Thread