[NSFW] The "Cunt Coloring Book" (PDF inside)

You can't know anything if it wasn't taught by school

Is this what you're saying?

Look at any other primates. What is their posture? Towards which direction are our knees bending? And our hips? Are our face and eyes pointing at our back? How is a baby moving around at first? On its 4 limbs.

Don't forget we are primates. Our anatomy is still basically the same as a chimp. When chimps urinate, they don't do it on their back. Just like all other mammals in their natural posture: the vagina is up, then urethra, then clitoris down. Even when women pee, they tend to lean forward a bit, adopting a posture that's closure to being on four limbs (certainly closer to that than to laying on their back). Why? Because it gives them the best angle and because having residual urine flow all along the vulva, in between the lips and to their vagina isn't the most pratical or hygienic thing for them. Why? Because that's the way it's supposed to be?

Why do you think it is natural to ask a woman to lay down on her back, legs pointing to the ceiling, so we can shoot a photo at her vulva ? Is it because asking for a human to adopt the "doggy" posture feels insulting to our human nature, or does it feel too sexual or something? I don't know the exact reason, but there's something fishy behind it :) . Perhaps has to do with prudes.

Is this "debate" really important? Not really. Do I still think it's weird that we always decide to show the female genitalia in this manner ? Yes. Do I have a right to make the remark? I feel I do.

Why do you feel it is deserving of a sarcastic response that is basically the first step to a personal attack?

Basically all I'm saying is that these pics are upside down and it's weird, just like it would be weird to show pictures of upside down cars to describe cars.

/r/WTF Thread Parent Link - imgur.com