(NSFW) What have you found out about someone that you would never tell them you know?

I did an internship at a non-profit after college where part of my job was to run a program for local youth. I ended staying for 3 terms and built strong relationships with a majority of the kids and their parents.

Eventually I decided it wasn time to get a real job because the internship only paid a stipend of $600/month. On my last night in town, everyone's threw a big surprise party to say thank you and a lot of the parents gave me financial gifts as well. One women told me to come to her house after the party so she could say goodbye privately.

The party didn't end until 1:00 AM-ish, but the women had hinted at wanting to give me a financial gift as well, so I decided to try my luck and swing by the house to see if she was still up and waiting for me. Especially since she made me promise to go no matter if it was late or not.

Sure enough, I pulled up to the house and the front door was open behind a closed screen door. I walked up to the door and just as I was about to open the screen door, I realized her husband was sitting there watching full on hard-core porn in the living room (visible from the open doorway).

I high tailed it out of there and left town the next day as planned. Years later I went back for a visit and this lady went out of her way not to talk to me so I asked her son what was up. He told me she was still pissed that I hadn't visited that night after the party and that she had planned on giving me a couple thousand dollars.

/r/AskReddit Thread