NSW Young Nationals stacked by Neo-Nazis

Young Liberals and Nationals affiliated facebook and instagram feeds are full of MAGA-esque low-information high-emotion memes. The parallels to the GRU's cyber-campaign to sow division are all there. But it may simply be the meme spreading from the US. They are also full of pro-Trump propaganda.

It is worth noting that on this sub, the same style of low-information, lizard-brain-emotion meme has been posted. Most recently, in the right's attacks on a child (and her parents) who refused to stand for the national anthem.

Regardless, given that the former campaign chairman [Manafort], former national security adviser [Flynn], RNC deputy finance chair and personal lawyer to the president* [Cohen], former foreign policy adviser [Papadopoulos], and Republican-linked fundraiser [Nader] have all either plead guilty to conspiracy charges or granted immunity in the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election...don't let these kids forget that who they supported after that president* himself is indicted or named a co-conspirator for crimes against one of our closest allies.

/r/AustralianPolitics Thread Link - thewhiterosesociety.writeas.com