Obama at his first State of the Union Address and his last one

However, everyone I grew up with didn't get a kid that their grandparents had to watch. The only ones that did were those that clearly had issues in various areas of their life.

I mean I'm not disagreeing with this point at all. I'd even take it a step farther and say the only people that had "mistake" kids that are growing up with a horrible upbringing are downright pieces of shit.

I was raised by Catholic parents. Grandparents on both sides were Catholics as well, one side even went to daily Mass. My mother has taught Catechism for almost 30 years now.

But I'll be damned if my girlfriend and I didn't make the responsible to decision to get an abortion when we had an "accident." Because we were both 20 years old, I was in school three hours away, and there was no way to make it work without ruining both of our lives and probably the child's too. It was really shitty that I could not, and still have not almost 6 years later, told my parents.

I guess what I am trying to say is that people with that kind of upbringing are disadvantaged in that they feel very, very alone in these situations. It was extremely difficult keeping all of that bottled up--only a few of my closest friends even know to this day. HOWEVER, having lived through the whole abortion=evil and abstinence only education every Wednesday--seriously, one whole year of Catechism was dedicated to "Catholic sex ed" meaning don't you be fuckin'--and even then I wasn't so fucking ignorant to not know about my options.

I am sorry but unless you're literally sheltered to the point of not being allowed to have friends, go outside, or really do anything but sit and study a bible--you are going to be damn well aware of what's available to you. I didn't--and I truly believe others don't--need to sit in a class or anything to know what an abortion was or what a condom was or anything like that.

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