Obama: Some jobs 'are just not going to come back'

You would not believe the shitstorm I get when I suggest that automation will replace everyone in any job where the function can be enumerated and repetition is required. Moving stuff, automated. Building non-custom items, automated. There was a guy here on Reddit that made end mills for a living along with other stuff. I asked if he was worried, that automation would take his job and people came on and said automation is job positive with only one example in a small shop where their perception of automation led to the hiring of a single person making it a 4 person shop. Adding a tool is not automation. That end mill creator can be replaced if the company made enough to store money to the point the human can be replaced. Barring ethical relativism, we all can be replaced if the people that hire us can store enough capital to make sense. Of the thousands of people I've asked to provide a domain that can't be replaced by automation, I have yet to be provided one beyond biological reproduction. Not one that will be replaced 100 years from now, it's all being replaced right now. The one caveat is fundamental research, and AI like Watson may do away with that. Intellectual consolidation is where the future leads, those with technology will win, until nuclear war damages most electronics which I doubt will ever happen. World governments had better figure out how to solve it, there is no way that basic income will be able to support everyone. Solve it or things will get very bad. As an example, I know of a family that hosts a football team of family members in their house. All work, barely, they won't work if basic income becomes a reality. Save one of their children who got out quick. That's one family of nearly 11 in a house designed to hold 5. When you have a mass of people who think that's proper for a member of society to do, and taxpayers have to support it, you'll get major resistance. But you can't stop automation, so jobs will go. Those 10 remaining family members will get weaker job prospects. They all work retail, cash register type jobs, or basic construction. There is no future in jobs that can be defined in a python script.

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