It's bewildering to me how acceptable modern life is to the majority of people

Michigan and Mississippi Results Mega Thread!!! by SandersMod_ in SandersForPresident

[–]nowag -17 points 2 months ago

Couple points to make:

the irony is that Hillary will get the nom because she won states that'll go republican in the general.

also ironic that Bernie fought for civil rights as a young man and will now lose the nomination because of it

blacks vote in packs for whoever the junta leader is that is most closely associated with the chief (in this case Hillary for being Obama's Sect of State)

Men, usually the more practical sex and traditionally the provider were much tougher to market to given that most consumer goods are unnecessary. For men, the main drive is to provide for his family.

Around the 1950s, businesses began to learn that the wives controlled the purse strings in most households. Therefore, if you could convince the woman she needed something on an emotional level, you could often get her cuck husband to purchase it for her or more likely, silently consent to the purchase lest he feel like a poor provider and inadequate man.

Fast forward through 50 years of this dynamic and you have a uniquely American form of female narcissism where the mere fact that a woman is attractive makes her absolutely priceless. You are lucky to be with her and she must be insane to have picked you.

This sets up a condition where the man must constantly maintain the relationship through purchases, vacations, and "experiences" (which always cost money). These things are expected. If not, western media tells her you don't deserve her or are neglecting her (since she looks like that woman in the commercial who gets everything).

On the flipside, this makes some single women feel like shit since they feel worthless without a man who can buy them stuff so western media has recently developed the empowered single woman who buys her own stuff and experiences because she's worth it.

Here's the 'wisdom' you needed to defend in OP. Don't get mad because I called out his asinine bullshit before anyone else did.

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread Parent