Ocasio-Cortez: Living Wage for Staff Is 'Common-Sense' Policy Not 'Communism'

See? You guys aren't even serious. I ask a legit question and i get downvoted. You post nonsense and get upvoted.

There are not enough rich people in the usa to tax for her ideas. Hell there is not enough money in the whole world to pay for all that she has proposed. Just medicaid for all is estimated to cost 3.3 TRILLION A YEAR, or 33 trillion over 10 years. That one proposal alone would bankrupt the country. Does anyone have any serious proposals on how any of this stuff would get paid for? Because right now all this stuff she is proposing is unattainable, unrealistic political soundbites because it sounds good. Do any of you people praising all these proposals have any idea at all what you are praising? Unrealistic pipe dreams? Do any of you even have a clue? Does not look like it.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - commondreams.org