Official Discussion - Captain America: Civil War [SPOILERS]

I just finished watching it. I need to rant. Hard. Feel free to downvote, but keep in mind, it's all just opinions for the most part.

AND HOLY FUCK THAT MOVIE WAS SO STUPID. This is going to be all over the place.

First off, the whole "The government needs rules for you" bullshit. Who the everloving fuck is going to complain "Oh the avengers stopped an alien invasion trying to exterminate the humans or enslave them or whatever and let a few people die in the process?!? How irresponsible! Fuck those guys!!!!!!" or "Those terrorists potentially stole smallpox and the avengers killed 12 guys in the process of stopping it and were successful? THEY NEED TO BE PUT IN JAIL 12 PEOPLE DIED IN THE PROCESS OF STOPPING A PLAGUE CAPABLE OF KILLING HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS!"

Seriously, think about this in the real world. America is already drone striking 'terrorists' and killing dozens of innocents. If someone is threatening to bomb somewhere, you don't just let them because one or two people might die in the process of saving thousands. In WWII the USA put japanese folk in concentration camps. Does anyone care because they were innocent? No, you barely even hear about it. The innocent people killed in the process of stopping the Nazis, does anyone really think "Nah mate, we should've let the Nazis do their thing, a few innocent people might die in the crossfire". Sure it's not optimal, no one likes killing innocent civilians... But what the fuck is that horse shit?

And the way it portrays the entire government as non corrupt and upstanding caring about the bottom line and rules? Sure. Everything is done by the book and laws are never broken. Fine it's an american movie, so whatever, I can look past that.

But then the whole bucky breakout stuff. Firstly, you really think cap and his friends managed to somehow cut the power while never leaving the room/building they were in? Bull. Shit. But again, fine, there's a lot of "Because movie" sci-fi tech. So why not, right? Not to mention I wasn't really clear on the fact of whether or not they blamed Steve/Cap for the breakout, or they thought it was opportunistic.

But here's the real kick in the teeth.

The fucking shrink. They have video of the shrink getting killed. People obviously know what he looks like. And you mean to tell me no one in that building knew the guy? Or had ever even seen a picture of him?? I mean how the fuck do you overlook that? No one didn't go "wait, that's not his voice? Who the fuck is this guy?" In the interrogation? No one fucking checked the guys name/ID against a picture? You'd think in such a high stakes scenario they'd at least look at a fucking picture of the psychologist and go "Hmm... yeah no mate, this isn't you. Get lost."

And then you're supposed to sympathize with Cap in the end? Because he stuck up for his friends? Despite Cap being the reason this entire thing happened? Yeah Bucky was framed. But the only reason tony, steve, everyone fought was because Steve was stupid enough to go after the guy. Tony was right. Not to mention you'd think they'd eventually look into the shrink getting offed, right? Like... Fuck the guy even got attacked by the shrink. You'd think Steve would go "hey guys the shrink was behind this" and they'd eventually review the footage and go. "Hm, yeah you're right. I'll be damned".

Instead Cap fucking chases after the guy, causing huge damage and divides in the avengers. Which even just proves Tony's point.

So while I disagree with the guys going "oh the humanity! The avengers saved the planet again and less than a dozen people died! Lock them up!", they have a fucking point if Steve acts like that.

But of course Tony had to find out later that Steve was actually right. Like holy shit dude, had steve said something, and tony looked into it, it could've been avoided at lot earlier on. But nooooo, because movie.

Then I'm going to skip all the other minor annoyances to focus on the end. (Also noting that somehow tony is still at fault for Don's back being broken, because he didn't believe Cap. Despite cap being at fault for this whole fucking mess) (Also ignoring crap like the angry woman whose son died and the "chemistry" between steve and that chick).

Fucking Tony's parents. Somehow Tony is the bad guy because Steve lied to him? And Bucky murdered his parents? "But no it's okay because he wasn't himself then! Oh btw I don't think he should be in a mental institute, he's clearly sane. Despite being manipulated earlier in the film already. You're the bad guys for wanting to lock him up!!"

But fuck that whole scene.

The kick in the teeth was that letter at the end. "Lol ur parents r ded but its ok because i wrote this nice letter i fixed it haha". Like how does that make anything better?

Thought props on the fight scenes. Satisfying as hell. Great choreography. Though balance is all weird. Sometimes tony can barely take on one guy, then in the end he nearly kills Cap and Bucky singlehandedly? And black panther is fucking OP, but did fuck all. And scarlet witch. Sometimes she's OP as fuck, other times she's a weak distracted little girl. Somehow hawkeye can survive being thrown around like a puppet, but cheedle breaks his back after a fall in a suit. Sometimes Tony can blow things up with his lasers no problem, other times they don't even scratch stone. I don't get it.

Spiderman though. They nailed him. While I'm not a fan of this 'peter' (his mannerism, not his mannerisms as spidey) they somehow nailed him, while somehow not nailing him at all. Honestly probably the best spidey so far. Love him in the movie.

All in all, it wasn't that bad. It was stupid as all hell. But satisfying. It's a summer dude flick. What can you expect.

Honestly I wouldn't even write this if it weren't for the 9/10s this movie is getting.

It's. not. that. good. Any, and I do mean any amount of thought put into this makes it fall apart at the seams.

Had this movie gotten 7/10s and such, I wouldn't even care. It deserves a 7/10. It's fun, even if brain dead and hooked to life support to pretend it's got some deepness to it.

It's the polar opposite of something like exmachina or it follows. On my first watches/glance of them, I thought they were pretty dull, bad. But the more you think about them, the better they get. I remember watching ExMachina and thinking "huh... well that was dumb". But then I thought about it. The programmer was right. He wasn't the bad guy, they were just machines. And the guest was manipulated. The AI never cared, it was truly advanced. And with it follows, at first I thought what everyone thought. "Well, great concept, except it doesn't even follow its own rules". But then you realize, that's the whole point. The only "rules" come from word of mouth and first hand experience. You only know, that 'it follows' (and changes shape, and is sexually transmitted, and invisible to everyone else, you get the point). Anything else is just speculation. That's what makes it that much more scary.

Personally, I'd give it a 6/10. Not good, not bad. On the side of good because without thought it is really a fun movie.

But these marvel can do no wrong 9/10 reviews really irk me now.

TL;DR; It's a 6/10 movie getting 10/10 scores. And for some reason that bothers me. I don't know why. Probably because all of my friends and the world is buzzing about how good it was. But it just makes no sense. I guess the other film were just well enough written for my suspension of disbelief to be there. But this one just slapped me in the face too much, and expected me to believe too much bullshit "because movie" logic for there to be any reasonable suspension of disbelief.

It's like the transformer movies. Visually gorgeous, and satisfying to watch. But if you expect the logic and plot (and physics, in both films) to be good? Then you're sorely mistaken. Fun movies, really fun. But nothing more than a 7/10 at most. Dumb summer blockbuster fun. Not a 10/10 masterpiece in the slightest.

And I do truly feel that this movie gets away with a lot of it because people have a huge hardon for marvel at the moment. I like the films too, but I'm not blindly drawn to them. Which is probably obvious given how long I've waited to see it.

It has it's merits, and truly good lines and scenes. But that's just overshadowed by the mess of a story, and blind hype and praise.

So there you have it. If you disagree, let me know. I probably wont care tomorrow, but I currently have two friends pestering me about how good it was, right? I dunno, maybe the hype ruined this movie for me more than it did itself. It certainly payed a huge part. Then again, the whole government stuff. Ugh.

Please, don't feel offended if you like this movie. There's nothing wrong with that, and I'm not attaching you for liking it. We all have different tastes :)

Seriously, if you feel upset or offended, I'm sorry :/ Maybe a nice letter and a cheap flip phone will make amends?

I jest.

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