Why is it okay for a person believing in a God to tell you that "God Exists" but if an atheist is to say "God isn't real" it's disrespectful?

And at the same time there´s literally no reason to say that God is real. I can understand your point about an atheist saying "God isn´t real" instead of "I don´t believe God is real" being disrespectful. To not hurt religious people atheists and agnostics should try to express their beliefs as those, and not as facts. But as op was implying it should go both ways.

And I live among religious people and no one thinks you go to hell for not believing. I´m talking about Catholicism. Back in the days when i still believed I used to think that people were judged by how good they lived, not if they believed or not. Given Catholicism morals I really don´t expect good jews, muslims or even atheists are sent to hell for being wrong, if that´s the case.

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