"Once you were old enough, what were the dark family secrets you were finally let in on?"

My grandma's brother, who everyone called "Uncle" Howard always seemed like a nice guy to me but for some reason I was never allowed to be alone with him. When I was in my late teens he died and shortly after that my mother revealed to me that he had raped nearly every woman in my mother's family during their pubescent period including my grandmother, her three sisters, my mom and her sister as well as his own two daughters. The women in my family are the "strong" type and thought that by keeping it under wraps they were protecting the family from some imagined embarrassment if the truth had ever come out. They never told the men in the family because surely there would have been an extremely violent reaction. Finding out has had much more of an impact on me than I could have ever imagined. On the one hand I feel such pain for what these women I love suffered through at the hands of trusted family, but on the other hand, keeping that secret for ~60 years caused who knows how many others to suffer.

/r/AskReddit Thread