I think one of my best friends hates me.

Sounds like a little bit of immaturity on both ends. 1.) if your only recreational activities with friends only involve drugs... You aren't friends (trust me) if that's all you have to bond over... Maybe you should look at the similarities you all have with one another. 2.) you sound a bit sensitive. Maybe I missed it but I didn't see where your dude said he couldn't be friends with you anymore. It just sounds like he finds you a bit annoying (sorry) and came about it in a bad way. If all you really ever talked about was smoking weed and weed related topics, I'd find it irritating too. There are other things to talk about. Maybe you have created a bond with something and your friend is trying to wake you up. Are you sure he's your best friend? Or has your #1 priority become weed? Also, constantly snapping pictures of weed? I'd remove you (personally). Because 1.) boring and repetitive and 2.) so? But I use it for entertainment. You never know. Just my opinion. Talk to him and listen and don't be so defensive. Or... Find other friends who don't judge you if you disagree.

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