One-quarter of mass attackers driven by conspiracy theories or hateful ideologies, Secret Service report says

Market Researcher here. This is very predictable, as conservatives tend to be "fear-driven" and easily motivated by scare tactics and conspiracy theories.

Conservatives also tend to be less educated and are therefore easy targets for grifters.

It's no coincidence that after r/thedonald was banned conservatives all flocked to r/conspiracy and r/joerogan. Or that conservatives were the ones that latched onto the QAnon shit or vote for MTG and other crazy politicians that push conspiracy theories.

Conservative brains just work differently, since they are afraid of everything and aren't educated enough to truly understand complex ideas (like science).

They fear what they don't understand (which is a lot), and that fear turns to anger, which leads to ratings, revenue, and votes.

It's marketing 101, and why all conservative news outlets lean on that fear-mongering rhetoric. It works!

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