'Only bones and fragments': California wildfire toll at 25 as grim searches go on

Theres a place and time for that you dumb fucking walnut. This isn't it. It's a thread about the dead and tragedy, if you want to discuss what Trump said go to the numerous threads about it.

You're a lowlife. It's not happening to you so it's on the back of your mind while you worry how to dress down Redditors about how the Federal government works. "WeLl ThEy'Re SuPpOsE To HeLp"

No shit. But you're too fucking stupid and blind to see this isn't the place for that. You're happy at home jacking off in your air conditioned house while I've been house hugging and consoling neighbors who have lost their houses or cant get in contact with a loved one.

You're a trashy human being who politicizes other people's misfortune to use to your benefit. So, from the very bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself and your entire existence.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com