I only care about liberation when i'm suffering.

In my practice its more like...

"You are about to eat donuts." I try not to think of why I'm eating them. This is getting caught in the Me stuff of analyzing and blaming. I don't feel good or bad about myself for eating them. This is judging aka have an expectation of how it should feel snd so on- only more Me stuff.

"Oh, well, I guess my life feels bad right now, and donuts will make my life feel good."


"Why does your life feel bad right now? What's hurting you so much that you 'need' donuts to want to live?"


Unfortunately, almost every "real" thing I can do (exercise, cooking healthy food, reading an informative book) bring my attention back to me, and that hurts.

Try simply bring an awareness to that feeling. Don't get into thought cycles of why am I feeling this way? Don't pity yourself for feeling that way or anything. Simple bring a nonjudgemental attention to your body, surroundings, and thoughts. Oh and remember to be merciful with yourself.

Food, video games, movies, etc. They all take me away from my life, and cover up that constant pain that I can't stand to feel 24 hours a day.

Sure they are distractions from your boredom, but boredom is merely another form of suffering where you can't stand to not do anything by yourself. Try bring an awareness to the feeling of boredom. This also, however, does not mean quit playing video games, etc, etc and don't judge yourself for doing so. There is no right and wrong in this world.

Well, at least, these are thoughts that have been running through my head lately.

Nothing good or bad about that, but you are aware.

I can't really tell you how true any of them are.

Our thoughts are not the Truth.

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