Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It

I have had conversations with my family who actually believe that George Bush's initial loan to the auto companies "saved them" but as soon as Obama infused more dollars he "wrecked them" (even though they all became profitable after the bailout and repaid their debts).

They also say "he should have let the bad companies go bankrupt (Trump himself said this)" even though part of the restructuring program was literally putting these companies through bankruptcy and restructuring.

Now Trump says "We must rebuild the failing auto in-dus-try" when in fact - like statistical fact - 500,000 jobs were added in the last 5 years of the Obama administration, not that he should take all the credit, but the jobs are there. Some auto manufacturers had record years recently.

These are the same people who blame Obama for TARP, for bailing out the banks. They wanted to let the banks fail which would have caused a global catastrophe. George Bush enacted TARP and yes, Obama supported it, but the narrative is "Obama bailed out the banks because he is in the pockets of Wall Street" even though Bush was President. And now Trump is trying to dismantle the protections Obama's administration put in place to protect us from systemic bank failures caused by risky lending and sales practices.

These examples show that Republicans basically have no fucking clue what they are talking about and zero energy should be spent discussing anything with them. Energy should be spent on unifying non-Republicans under one banner because his base is too brainwashed or ignorant to understand their own history or the ramifications of allowing entire in-dus-tries to fail; as unpopular as the bailouts were even to those who enacted them, they seem to have worked.

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