OP has obviously never been poor

And you need an address for like everything, I never knew how vital it was. It was genuinely a barrier to escaping homelessness. Its typically a required field on online job apps, for example. When I was homeless, I was lucky enough to have my phone and a place to keep it charged, and I was able to scrape up my $35/mo on odd jobs and... well, frankly, anything else I could do to keep it going, but then not having an address I feel cost me. I thankfully scraped up some extra money one month for a PO box and was able to get a job, then a ride eventually which allowed me to get a better job and seek jobs farther away, but for a while there simply not having a place people could send mail kept me from several opportunities.

Its kind of ironic, needing an address in order to make enough (legal) money to get an address. Idk, maybe I was doing something wrong and there was another way to go about it, but as far as I knew I followed my only options.

/r/facepalm Thread Link - i.redd.it