Open Bar

Does your venue/caterer allow you to supply your own alcohol? What do they offer?

We are going to offer an "open" bar, but it will be beer/wine/signature drinks, and it will be "open" until we run out of alcohol, haha. Given my FH's fraternity brother friends, and my German drunken family, we are anticipating heavy consumption levels. I had slated $1,000 as a ballpark figure for what we will spend on beer/wine/spirits for budgeting purposes. Now that I know what we want, I just roughed it out a little further and depending on the vodka/gin we use for the signature drinks, we'll wind up around $1,000-$1,000. (This is also estimating what my FILs are spending on wine--they are wine people, so I'm assuming that they will be in the $20/bottle range, whereas I would be in the $10/bottle range if I were buying myself, lol.) This does not include the bar/bartending service, which will be around $700. We'll also need to supply the mixers/cups/etc., but I'm anticipating that that will wind up somewhere around $200, at most (we are probably going to do plastic cups, just because I do not want to deal with glasses breaking). So, we'll probably wind up around $2,000 doing it ourselves + hiring bartenders.

/r/weddingplanning Thread