We Want to Open!’ French Shopkeepers Revolt Against Orders to Close Small businesses are fighting what they say is unfair competition from Amazon and big retailers as a nationwide lockdown takes effect

That's the flaw of democracy than it's quite clear amazon will have a free run in the market by literally using a fucking pandemic to it's advantage i don't wish to live in world where working in sad environments for these big corporations is the only career you got and i always think that at the end of the day power lies in the hands of those who commands the army if government thinl that something is going fully against it's interest it could step up and stop it without suffering much consequences that is what us do usually anyway but it only works if the government actually consider the losses of native French people as something they cared about otherwise they could just take the easy part and take bribes from bezos for providing him free reign over the market.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com