Is Oregon exporting it's drivers now?

You know, I ride bicycles. I started when I was very young in a small community (barely a "town"; one post office and a gas station) and riding your bike was the only way to get anywhere until you could drive a car. Even then, we were smart enough to move to the side, not impede traffic, etc. If we didn't, we had log trucks to remind us. I understand that it is legal to take an entire lane for yourself on a bike. I don't dispute that you pay taxes and deserve the right to use public access highways the same as any other vehicle. Where I DO have a problem is when you go for a joy ride down a heavy traffic highway and feel so entitled that you will have several cars in a line, waiting to pass you, when it would be safer for you and everyone else involved to simply pull off to the shoulder and wait 5 seconds for the cars to go on by... Common courtesy, is how I see it. Do unto others, and all that. After all, if you are out there at 10 am, biker shorts on, heart rate up, what do you have to lose making everyone's life (including yours) better? Shit, if you were in a car driving 15 mph down the highway, they would ticket you! Why is a bike any different? The laws that protect bicyclists are 100 years old! Society has changed. Technology has changed. Life has changed. It is about time that we revamp the laws to make people respect the best uses of highways... Go take your bike to a REAL rural community and treat yourself to some real, honest life sights that you are robbing yourself by biking in areas that you might initially think as rural, but are really just suburban. Find a trail that is for bikes only, and enjoy that! Use your bike for commute? I think that's great! I would if my employment wasn't 20 miles away. However, if I did, I would avoid the narrow rural roads and stick to bike lanes whenever possible. But hey, IRL, I'm an asshole because I expect to be treated the same as you.

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