The Oregon Shooter Obtained All His Guns Legally

My honest opinion is that too many people are stressed economically which leads to families becoming splintered and mental health issues harder to spot because families are not as close as they used to be. Too many people are working stressful jobs that they dont like that pay too little compared to the cost of living and therefore you have stressed parents who dont pay attention to their stressed kids who end up becoming super introverted like this guy. Combine that with a general american lust for sensationalism and fame and you've got some pretty unstable people who are able to fall through the cracks of the system, so to say. Socially we are very vapid and there is culture here of dumbing yourself down to fit in, especially on the west coast. We love objects more than people, especially money, even though I dont think its the actual money people are obsessed with but the image of having money. That image is force-fed to us daily through every type of media imaginable, which keeps our waning capitalist society floating. America is declining socially and the bubble most of our parents grew up in is not something the current young generation is experiencing. The american dream is totally dead and unobtainable, but our citizens still cant fathom that the life they wanted is not quite the life they are able to have. We also have a lot of issues regarding race, economic class, and general acceptance and understanding which still permeates the core of our society even though a lot of our citizens and political leaders pretend like we have progressed past these issues. The USA is still relatively young compared to a lot of other countries, and our population mostly has roots in other countries, so our culture is a bit shallow and not quite as rigid as it is in Europe or Asia. People here dont fully trust each other.

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