Orlando Nightclub Shooter Called 911 to Pledge Allegiance to ISIS

You're underlying claim is that if it wasn't for Islam, he would do it in the name of Tony Robbins or Quakerism.

No! That isn't my claim at all. That's totally bizarre, where did you get that? You're totally misunderstanding what I said, calm down. I wasn't even approaching it from that angle.

Firstly, to address your rant: the fact is there are Muslim groups who've gained significant power and influence, and who have formed obscure justifications for the spilling of anyone's blood, Muslim or non-Muslim, if they are not with them and do not "repent". Of course these groups "recruit" from Muslims - but saying that means there is something inherently wrong in the religion makes absolutely zero sense.

The problem is with those groups. You cannot claim problem with the entire religion, especially when there's a broad spectrum of interpretation. You mock me and insult me, saying I magically gain PhD in "terrorist studies", but I've at least read the publications of such academics and no, lone wolf attacks are not the new modus operandi. From every perspective, that makes no sense. Looking at events in the past two years, it makes no sense. ISIS issued an order for its sympathizers to travel to its territory, and if unable, to attack civilians on the street at home. That NPR article fact-spun the statement claiming that "this is how terrorists operate now, so watch out for all those Moslems you know." There's a very clear and distinct line between academia and the bigotry of the extreme right-wing.

All I said was not to be duped into fearing and suspecting your fellow neighbours - most decent people will attest to that being a very dangerous notion, as we've learnt from history.

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